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For Environment Sake

Blog by Vesna Molby | September 20th, 2014

Improving the energy efficiency of your home can do more than reduce the energy consumption and help protect the environment.  It can also help reduce drafts and noise, fix moisture and condensation problems, improve indoor air quality and comfort level and save money year round.

Some energy saving tips you can use to help you save money, save the environment and reduce your energy use by as much as 47 percent:

-          Draft proof everywhere, including foundation  walls, attic hatches and doors, around window and door frames, at ceiling penetrations, around light fixtures and wiring, and around service penetrations  through exterior walls.  Plus, seal the joint between the window frame and wall and keep weather stripping and windows in good repair.  Consider upgrading to more energy efficient windows to prevent heat loss, greatly improve comfort levels and reduce maintenance needs.

-          Consider upgrading your furnace or boiler to a new high-efficiency unit.

-          Cover hot water pipes within three meters of the hot water tank with pipe insulation, and if possible, insulate all accessible hot water pipes.

-          Install a programmable thermostat to lower the temperature at night and during the day when your home is unoccupied.

-          Replace and recycle older refrigerators, freezers, electric ranges and dishwashers with newer Energy Star rated models, and switch to energy-saving fluorescent, compact fluorescent and task lighting where possible.

-          Save energy and water by installing low-flush or dual-flush toilets, low flow faucets and shower heads, and front loading clothes washers that reduce water heating loads, water consumption and clothes dryer operation.

Save energy, save money, save the planet!